Journey Home is an offering created especially for you
This is the beginning of a personal passion project - something very close to my heart and I am excited to have the opportunity to share this with you!
We often hear the words ‘yoga journey’ tossed around in the yoga community and amongst ourselves.
But, what IS this yoga journey? What IS the meaning of journey home?
Together we will lightly explore these questions.
I will also share with you the Six Pillars of my present yoga and life practice and intertwine these with the poses and sequences throughout the class.
My hope and intention is to inspire you to consciously begin to create your own personalized life ‘journey package'. Sounds intriguing,right?
This isn’t a static process. This is an ongoing and evolving process that is highly personal and influenced and guided by your own unique situations, life experiences and challenges.
If you have already decided you are ready to join, please CLICK THIS LINK.
In order to keep you deeply connected to your breath, your movements and each other I will offer only those poses accessible and familiar to you.
You will enjoy a quintessential ‘Juli style’ class in which I weave some of my favorite poses together into a gorgeous slow flow sequence!
You will also experience a few additional golden nuggets throughout including a deeply nourishing Yoga Nidra meditation near the end of class, which will bring us together-HOME.
So before I set off on my next adventure…
I would LOVE for you to join your yoga tribe:
Next date to be determined
2 hours
My Yoga Shala
I look forward to sharing this class lovingly crafted with you in mind!
Juli xo