Beginners Course


Upcoming Dates To Be Determined
My Yoga Shala



you can feel confident you are on the right Path by starting off with this beginners course. Your yoga journey can begin much different than mine! 


One of my earliest yoga experiences was while living in Denmark nearly 15 years ago.

At that time yoga wasn't mainstream there, so when I discovered a small 'studio' offering Ashtanga Mysore style classes I was very curious and intrigued.  

Without being familiar with Mysore I decided to give it a go anyway. I thought; 'It's yoga - how difficult can it be?"  

The moment I walked through the door and met the danish speaking instructor I knew I HAD NO BUSINESS BEING THERE! Before I realised what I was getting myself into, I was handed a list of yoga poses with the foreign sounding Sanskrit names and told to ask for help if needed! 

Quietly I unrolled my mat at the back of the room and began to work my way through a series of 'beginner poses' alongside two very confident and bendy 'Ashtangis'. Asking for guidance was all I wanted to do, but instead I kept my mouth shut in fear of attracting even more attention to my 'beginner self'!

Fortunately I didn't walk away that day with an injury, although looking back my ego and pride were seriously wounded!


You can be reassured during our time together you will be supported and welcomed from the moment you step through my door.

You won't be expected to learn any fancy poses or foreign Sanskrit words. Instead you will be guided with clear and concise instructions so you experience success as you begin to develop a solid foundation for your practice.

You will be encouraged to ask questions and invited to modify your practice as needed.

There will be no judgement or comparison allowed in our space together. Only encouraging words and celebration of each others achievements will be offered!  


This 4-week course is perfect for you if…

  • You are new to yoga and wish to practice alongside others starting out just like you.

  • You have considered trying yoga before but you don't feel strong, flexible or 'spiritual' enough!

  • You are not the 'yoga studio type' and prefer a warm and welcoming space with familiar faces and personal care and attention from your teacher.

  • You are looking to join a yoga community of like-minded individuals.

  • You are returning to your practice after a long break,feeling achy and stiff and would like to refresh your body and skills before joining regular group classes.

During our time together you will...

  • Learn basic alignment principles of classic yoga poses to ensure you feel safe and confident on your mat. You won't be asked to perform 'fancy' yoga poses!

  • Discover freedom and increased awareness through the mindful movement of your body.

  • Develop strength and flexibility so you can begin to free yourself from any pain or discomfort.

  • Practice simple breathing and meditation techniques to relax your body and calm your mind so you feel clarity and ease throughout your days and equipped to handle any challenges that may come your way.

Here's what you will discover along the way...    


WEEK ONE:  Foundation. 
Connect with your body and breath. Connect with each other. 



WEEK TWO:  Standing Poses.
Be aware of your strengths. Are your thoughts building you up or tearing you down?     



WEEK THREE:  Sun Salutations and Balance Poses. 
Balance between movement and stillness. 



WEEK FOUR: Bring it all together plus gentle Back Bends.
Flow with an open heart. 



*Each class will build on your skills learned from the previous week and will include a few nourishing twists and forward bends, breath work, meditation and an inspirational theme.
*Once you have completed this course my hope is that you will feel inspired to continue your yoga journey both on and off the mat in a way that feels empowering for you!